sue andersen yoga
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5 Weeks to Grief Relief

An On-line Yoga Retreat

Feel connection to others and find a pathway toward healing

Reflect and integrate with journaling and community so that you open space for peace and joy.

Apply yoga movements to process emotions, find relief from the pain and create space for remembrance with love


Your world has been turned upside down since your loss. 

Maybe you’ve been Googling, researching support groups, listening to podcasts or reading books on grief. 

Are you spinning in a wheel of grief emotions that feel out of control? 

Or perhaps you haven’t been able to feel your grief and you are wondering if this is normal?

And you aren’t sure where to go from here.

That’s exactly why I created this 5-week on-line Grief Relief Retreat.  The program slowly helps you to acknowledge where your grief lives in your body, open to it, and transform through it.  It’s a process of introspection, active release, reflection, rest and moving forward that can be uncovered during 5 weeks versus trying to learn everything in a two hr. workshop or reading part of a book and putting it down.  Or listening to a podcast but not getting your questions answered. 


Do you wish you could work through your grief to…

  • Find a way to let your emotions out that feels safe for you?

  • Release physical grief pain like body aches, fatigue, digestive issues?

  • Build strength and foster resilience?

The grief journey is hard, but to transform, renew, and rebuild your life you need to embrace your feelings and let go of what is weighing you down.

But you don’t have to grieve alone.

I was feeling intense sadness as I kept focusing on all I had lost in 2022. I chose this course because of the different aspects and approaches – including journaling and meditation — that I hoped would help me find a path to healing. I found myself looking forward each week to letting go, a bit at a time, of my losses and opening up again to gratitude and even joy. I would highly recommend this program for any type of loss and grief you are experiencing.
— Sheree

Imagine always knowing your next best step in moving through your grief.

Now imagine taking that step -- and then the next one, and then the next one, and then the next one -- for 5 weeks

👉 NOW imagine knowing what those steps are, taking them for 5 weeks, and doing it with an experienced grief & loss yoga teacher coach (that's me) at your side every step of the way, all while being in community with similar people doing the same thing.


What if you had relaxation techniques that would release your grief, increase your energy and make you feel renewed?               

  • Breathe and open heart and lungs releasing grief hidden in the chest. 

  • Move to release stagnant energy bringing a vital life force into your body  

  • Strengthen the body and mind with powerful poses releasing physical and emotional pain.

  • Reflect and integrate with journaling and community allow your healing process to continue.

  • Move Forward with powerful tools and techniques to use in your daily life to help you heal.

The 5 Week to Grief Relief program was very helpful to me. My favorite part was the yoga practice. The program length and 90 minutes for each session were just right. I would recommend this program to anyone who needs an outlet for their grief.
— Alyce Celona

Go from feeling overwhelmed by your grief, to feeling restful and at ease. This online grief retreat will help you discover tools to use throughout your grief journey.

What is in the 5 Weeks to Grief Relief On-Line Yoga Retreat?

Weekly 90 Minute Class with journaling, discussion and yoga/movement. Recorded, so you can catch up if you miss a session

Exclusive Weekly Videos so you can continue your yoga and movement practice when we aren't meeting.

5 Weeks to Grief Relief Workbook with weekly journal prompts, suggested at home practices, and ideas for healing rituals.

Great Community of People on a grief journey so you don't need to feel alone.

Plus some great bonuses!


How yoga can help you release your grief

I lost my son 10 years ago and yoga became a key part of my healing journey.  

Since becoming a yoga teacher, I’ve offered workshops, private instruction and one-hour classes that helped many people find relief from grief using yoga, empowering movement, breath work, meditation, and journaling.  

And now – I want to offer it to you in this 5 Weeks to Grief Relief: On-Line Yoga Retreat giving us more time to explore where you are in your journey and what tools and techniques resonate best.

My friend, I want to help you find peace, joy and happiness even while in the midst of your grief.



Here are questions you might be asking yourself about the online yoga retreat:

How is this program offered?

This program is offered live, once a week for 5 consecutive weeks. Each 90 minute session is recorded and available for 30 days after the end of the program.

Is this meant for people who’ve experienced a loss recently?  

Whether your loss is recent, or you are feeling stuck in your grief this program will be beneficial.  However, since grief is so profound in the first 6 months, you may want to wait before joining this on-line retreat.

Is this a Grief Group?

No, this is not a mental health group or individual counseling program.  It is important to seek help from qualified professionals when you need it.  This program can however be complimentary. 

I have physical limitations can I still participate?  

Yes! This program can be done seated in a chair, standing, or seated on the floor.  Modifications are always given.

Do I have to have yoga experience?  

No, this program is designed for those with no yoga experience or seasoned practitioners.